Adventures in Colorado: Liberation in Shadow Canyon

Shadow Canyon trail

Today’s run is a tough one to put into words. Ya kinda “had to be there.” But if I were to sum it up in a few words, it was powerful and liberating. Powerful, because of the mighty winds that whipped through the canyon on my way up. Liberating on the …

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Adventures in Colorado: Wide Open Space

Bear Creek Ditch Trail Run, Boulder Colorado

I got a lot of work done this morning, so it was time for a break. It’s been 3 days since my last run, so I looked up an area close by on Google Maps. It looked like a trail, and I’m more interested in exploring than I am a workout right now, so let’s give it a go.

About 6 blocks from my house, there’s a quaint, suburban neighborhood with beautiful Summit Middle School tucked in the center. At the end of Tantra road, a wide dirt trail continues towards a small parking lot. The entrance clearly had my name on it.

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Adventures in Colorado: Running with Livestock

Marshall Mesa Trailhead, Boulder Colorado

I’ve spent the first few days in Boulder unpacking, getting to know my roommates, grocery shopping, and picking up a few things that just didn’t quite make the cut for my road trip. Today, it was time to explore.

After driving through, and arriving in, crappy conditions, the weather has been beautiful all weekend. Upper-40s to mid-50s during the day, with the golden Colorado sun shiny all day long.

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Running Shamrock for Cameron Gallagher

Cameron Gallagher @ Shamrock Half-marathon 2014

Photo credit goes to & the CKG Foundation

Before I share my story…

I am raising money for the Cameron K. Gallagher Memorial Foundation, whose mission is:

…to fulfill Cameron’s dream and legacy by being a positive force that works to cultivate awareness and understanding of teenage depression and anxiety.

If you feel inspired by her story, or would like to help the cause, you can donate here. I am trying to raise $131 before the race next weekend, which coincidentally falls on my birthday. No cards, presents or Facebook wall posts, please. Just a small donation to a worthwhile cause.

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Today’s Run: Directions, Parkour & Homeless Happy

It’s amazing what I end up running into. Today’s run was pretty unique, and I’d like to share a few of the interesting things that went down. There’s a “lesson of the day,” as well as a bonus lesson 🙂 This run was a 6-ish mile trail run in preparation …

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Boone, NC Mountain Trip

A beautiful week in the mountains with some of the most awesome people on the planet. This one is more personal, for me, because I know I’ll want to reminisce on it again soon. But if you like the mountains and/or interesting headlines that suck you in… you might enjoy …

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Today’s Run: Storms, Frogs & Girls

In an effort to document my thoughts while I’m out running (because that’s always the big question when someone learns that you run distance), here’s how it went down today. I began the run excited to get rained on. It’s been a while since I ran in a nice downpour, …

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Nike Women’s Half Marathon, Costumes & Friendships

Nike Women's Half Marathon DC - Queen of Hearts

This weekend was filled with great moments & memories. Let’s start with the Nike Women’s Half Marathon (#werundc). Cheering Section Typically, I’m the one running the race. But for this one, I was on the other side of things. And let me say, I honestly think spectating might be more …

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Today’s Run: For Boston

According to my training schedule, I should’ve been swimming or biking today. But I chose a run instead. The Boston bombings are still fresh on my mind. I don’t have answers or explanations; mostly, just more questions. But my brain can’t help but to go into overdrive when something like …

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Today’s Run: Little League Baseball

There’s a Little League baseball complex less than a mile from my house. When I left for my run this evening, 2 games were being played: One by the real youngsters, just big enough to start pitching to themselves. The other kids were a few years older, just starting to …

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