I spent 2 nights in Sedona, and both were at the Best Western – Sedona in West Sedona. The first night was just under $100, the second night was just over $100. This Sedona hotel includes wifi & continental breakfast.
The greatest part about this Sedona hotel wasn’t the price, breakfast or internet speeds, all of which were pretty good. It was the person working the front desk when I booked the first room.
Cobi was as nice as could be. She gave me a discounted rate, just because. Then she answered all the questions about Sedona that I threw at her. Recommendations for a Sedona jeep tour, opinions on that, discount coupons, maps with personalized sharpee’d directions, the works.
When I spilled the beans & told her I was originally going to be at the Grand Canyon tonight, she said something that perfectly summed up my trip to Sedona, and quite possibly sums up all of life as we know it:
“Out here, everything seems to happen just like it’s supposed to.”
Amen to that, sister. Amen to that.