It’s OK just to be a runner. To run for 10 minutes. Run for an hour.
It’s OK to say no to GPS, and just wear a simple Timex. And it’s also OK not to use it—or run naked, as we call it.
I’ve always loved running for its simplicity, yet there has never been anything simple about running an ultramarathon.
- you have to plan for everything, and pack tons of stuff just in case
- figuring out how to stay hydrated has always been a nightmare for me
- blisters on my feet
- nipple chafing
- expensive race fees
- navigational challenges
The race that changed things
The Finger Lakes 50 in up-state NY changed the way I thought about ultrarunning.
I was running with my new friend, Jeff, from Niagara Falls, NY for a good portion of the 1st loop, and the beginning of the 2nd loop. It was when we separated 2/3 of the way through the 2nd loop where things started running through my head.
See, when you’re running with friends, you get caught in conversation. You concentrate on the topic at hand. In other words, you are distracted from the main activity you are doing — running. Just like being on the phone while driving.
But there isn’t always someone to talk to. And if all you’re looking for is engaging conversation, there are 6.5 billion people in the world & hundreds of thousands of Starbucks. You certainly don’t need 50+ miles to form, or improve upon, a friendship. (It does, however, make the story a bit more interesting)
The nagging question
So once again, I found myself alone, in the middle of the woods, legs burning, sweat dripping down my face, hopelessly swatting gnats, with a slight headache from dehydration. Nothing groundbreaking. This is standard for just about every ultramarathon out there. And once again I found myself asking the same question.
Why am I doing this?
I’ve never had a perfectly scripted, eloquently delivered answer to this question. Usually it was along the lines of, “because I love the experience” or “to see if I can do it” or “to test my limits & inspire others to do the same.”
I still can’t tell you exactly why I’ve been running ultras for the past few years, but I came to a life-changing realization out in the middle of the forest this weekend.
Tunnel vision
I’ve had tunnel vision with this goal to complete a 100 mile race. Somehow I convinced myself that it’s the only goal that matters. That until I complete it, I can’t move on with the next chapter of my life.
It’s like the 9-yr-old boy who wants to be Justin Bieber before he realizes all the stuff that comes with it. That’s his idol. He caught Bieber Fever, and nothing is going to stop him from living that lifestyle. Until…
…the fever breaks. (and yes, even Bieber Fever will eventually break)
Losing sight of goals
That’s pretty much what happened to me—with ultrarunning. I looked up to these guys completing insane acts of endurance, and I set out to achieve nothing short of the same. In fact, my over-achieving, perfectionist attitude had me believing I could one-up these guys. That I could do things even they couldn’t do.
But again… why?
I don’t have anything to prove – to myself, or anyone else. I don’t have to run 100 miles in order to say that I’ve accomplished something. I’ve already run more than twice as far as I ever thought I could. And I’ve even done that on 3 separate occasions.
The other stuff
This stubborn ignorance had me ignoring the other great parts of my life that are happening right now. I run my own successful business, and have for almost 2 years now. I just hired my first employee. I want to travel & explore the world. I’m moving downtown to begin creating the lifestyle that I’ve been aimlessly avoiding for the past 4 years.
I can be ultra in all of these areas. So I can leave the ultra out of running for now.
My future with ultrarunning
It was a little difficult when I first came to the decision to give it up. Anything you pour that much time & effort into, is naturally tough to walk away from. But in less than a week, I’ve come to terms with it.
I don’t know if I’ll do another ultra again. But right now, I’m just not thinking about it. I want to go back to the simplest, most pure form of running. Enjoy each run without worrying about hitting a certain mark or training for an upcoming race.
I can assure you, I still have an enormous amount of respect for the ultrarunning community. It’s an amazing group of people, with a ridiculously high level of determination & grit. Lots of interesting stories. Truly genuine folks.
I’ll still support my friends who run them. I might even run with them—for part of the race 😉
Happiness is
I sat down next to my parents after I quit the 50-miler 2/3 of the way through, and I’ll never forget what I said.
I’ve never been more excited to quit something in my entire life.
There were always bits & pieces of ultrarunning that made me happy. Little things that I enjoyed. But with something as demanding as an ultramarathon, there should be more than just a little. Ultimately, I wasn’t enjoying this enough for it to justify all the things it was depriving me from, not to mention the pain it put me through (each and every time, without fail).
I think I’ll be a happier person without ultrarunning. There will always be things I miss, but if I did everything that had some appeal to me… well… I’d need so many hours in a day you’d have to stop the Earth from rotating for a few years.
Here’s to the next chapter…
you’re GBA Dave… even without the Ultra in front of your marathon/running.
If Ultra is latin for “on the far side of, beyond.”… then….ultrarunner or not…
You’re ultraamazing. Ultraimpressive. Ultrafunny. Ultrasmart. Ultraclever. Ultracute… and without a doubt, one of my ultrafavorite people to run with….
Great read, and congratulations on such a tough decision! However, it sounds like the next chapter will be exciting, awesome, and ultra in many other ways. 🙂 Good luck bud!